How to make a Crafter block & auto-craft in Minecraft?

Crafter block, another name for crafting table, is necessary for crafting a wide range of items like tools, weapons, armor, and other items. It is essential for crafting complex items such as armor sets and various redstone components. It increases the crafting area to a 3×3 configuration.
          Auto crafting is the ability to craft items (like potions, arrows, or building materials) automatically without any manual input for the procedure. Certain plugins and mods are added because the basic game does not support auto-crafting.
       Increase the efficiency of the game without manually inputting resources. Complex machines and systems are built with the help of this process. It helps you to manage the storage of crafting material and also facilitates teamwork and multiple collaboration. To auto craft the Minecraft, this blog helps you a lot. 

Auto Crafter Recipe

To make a crafter , the following items are needed.

  • 2 Redstone Dust
  • 5 Iron Ingots
  • 1 Dropper
  • 1 Crafting Table
  • 7 Cobblestones
  • 4 Planks

The main items required are crafting tables and droppers. The Use of a dropper makes crafting easy. By mining, crafting blocks, and smelting or deepslate ores of redstones, you can easily get redstones. Iron Ingots are present in chests, acquired as mob drops, crafted from Blocks of Iron or Iron Nuggets, and produced by smelting or deepslate Iron Ore.

How to craft a crafter in Minecraft?

To craft a crafter in Minecraft, you can either craft a table or add that mod that has complex crafters.

Crafting table (Vanilla Minecraft)

  • Place a crafting table.
  • Right-clicking on the table will bring up the crafting interface.
  • Arrange five iron ingots in a helmet shape, placing three in the top row and two in the left and right cells of the middle row.
  • You can position a Crafting Table in the central slot of the crafting grid.
  • In the slot directly beneath it (the center of the bottom row), position a Dropper.
  • With redstone dust fill all the remaining slots in the bottom.

Crafter (Modded Minecraft)

Crafters refers to making automatic machines or blocks that are found in Ender IO or Refined Storage.

Ingredients of Refined Storage

2 Quartz Enriched Iron, 2 Advanced Processors, 1 Crafting Table, 3 Silicon, and 1 Machine Casing are the ingredients that are used.


How to Set up an Auto Crafter in Minecraft?

Make a Redstone Repeater Clock

Material needed: 4 Redstone Dust, 2 Redstone Torches, 2 Redstone Repeaters, and a Lever (optional for turning the clock on/off) are needed.


  • Arrange four Redstone dust pieces in a square or circular formation on the ground.
  • On the opposite side of the two loops, place 2 Redstone Repeaters. For slower pulses, right click on the redstones to increase the delay.
  • Place a Redstone Torch next to the Redstone Dust lines to start the clock. 
  • Attach a Lever to the Redstone Torch to turn the clock on or off manually.

How It Works

At frequent intervals, it sends the signal to the Dropper or Dispenser that is used to drop items or dispense actions. It can make a prime or basic automated system. 

Auto Crafting Cherry Wood

Basic Materials: Crafter (from Refined Storage), Pattern Grid, Patterns, Crafting Grid, Storage Disks, Controller and Cables (for powering the system), and Cherry Logs are necessary for auto crafting. 

Step up the system 

  • Controller: To initiate your system, a controller is necessary.
  • Storage: For storing Cherry Logs and Cherry Wood, always use a storage disk.
  • Crafter: By using a cable, connect it to the system. This guide will assist you in shaping cherry wood sourced from cherry logs.
  • Pattern grid: For crafting a pattern, a pattern grid is used. For Cherry Wood, you would craft Cherry Planks from Cherry Logs.
  • Pattern creation: Place the Logs in the grid to create the desired Cherry Wood output. Then place the pattern into the crafter.
  • Crafting grid: If logs are present in storage, the system will automatically craft them.

Things to Know When Using a Crafter 

It is actually a redstone block that is user-friendly and easy to learn. These tips will simplify the crafting process for you. The following points are necessary to use a crafter.

Manual Crafting NOT Supported

This crafter does not allow manual crafting. The crafter’s interface resembles a crafting table, allowing items to be placed inside it but not outside.

Container Block

This container block also contains storage items just like a crafting table. After closing it you are not able to use them but you can use them later. 

Toggling the Slots

You can toggle the crafter’s slots on and off by clicking on them. When your crafter slot is on, it helps in holding the items. When crafting is performed automatically, it proves to be useful

Powered by One Pulse

For any operation, a crafter needs a redstone signal. Just like dispensers, the crafters work in Minecraft. Whenever a pulse is received, the crafter starts to work. A Redstone clock is used when you want continuous crafting.

Shooting out Items

From the front side of the crafter, the items are received and then they spread in different directions. Whenever the crafter wants to release items, it opens its mouth to do it. 


In short, we can say that crafting can be made easy when it is automatic. All complex systems and items like armor sets and various redstone components can be easily structured and applicable with auto crafting.  

Author: MERKER