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How to Become a Pro Player in Minecraft?

Minecraft is a 3D world that allows players to explore, create, and survive in a block. To become a pro player or an expert at Minecraft in survival mode, follow all these instructions to get the best gaming experience:

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Gather Resources

At the start when you download the game you have only a Minecraft map. Among all resources, firstly gather wood. If you don’t find wood anywhere then plant trees by gathering some dirt or sand blocks from the ground. Wood is an essential resource that is used to craft wooden plank blocks and sticks without the use of a crafting table. Gather food from animals or by farming crops and hunt animals for meat. Collecting resources will restore your health and hunger. Visit villages for trade and gather crops, beds, and materials. 

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Build a Shelter

Mobs mostly appear at night but sometimes they come during day time also. Without putting much effort and time, building your small shelter will protect yourself from hostile mobs. Your shelter is made up of wooden planks, dirt, sand or any other material. At night shelter is necessary otherwise mobs will definitely harm them. Build the walls at least 3-4 blocks high to prevent mobs. Use 6 wooden planks or 6 iron ingots in your crafting table to make a door. Craft a bed using 3 wool and 3 wooden planks to sleep through the night and set your spawn point.

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Craft Tools

For crafting of tools, a crafting table is necessary. Craft all the tools that are essential for survival and collect resources. Tools made up of wood are weaker than the stone tools and iron tools are still stronger than stone tools. The strongest tools among all are made of diamonds.  


It is effective for damaging hostile mobs, breaking cobwebs, hunting animals and for close-range combat. In java edition, it could block attacks.


It allows you to reach in deeper water.It can carry two people or one person and one mob. Colliding with land and mob will result in damage to the boat. 


It is used to mine stones and ores. Iron pickaxes are useful for mining diamond, redstones, and emerald.  The higher the material, the faster it mines.


This tool is used to store objects when you don’t want to lose items but don’t want to carry them. It helps players to be accessed in multiplayer mode. 

Fishing rod

It is used to catch fish, treasure, or junk items by placing three sticks diagonally from top-left to bottom-right, plus two strings vertically below each other on the right.


Bed is a crucial tool for players to set their spawn points,to skip the nights and enhance the survival experience. There are 16 dyed beds, giving an aesthetic look to your room.

Set up a permanent home base

To become a pro player you have to out the right place for your home. Avoid choosing the areas that are close to caves or exposed cliffs. Plain and forest biomes are the best choice. Always use separate rooms for all purposes like storage room, bedroom, farm room, and crafting room. 

        You can surround your house with a fence to keep hostile mobs out. Use redstones to make doors, windows or traps. Add windows, stained glass, wool, paintings, and banners to make it personalized, decorative and safe. Crafting tables, furnaces, and anvils must be placed. To reduce the reproduction of mobs use torches around your base.

Go Mining

For crafting, building, and progressing in the game, mining is a core activity for gathering resources. First of all, prepare your tools and supplies. Stone pickaxes are mostly used to mine blocks but iron pickaxes are used to mine precious ores. Ores are mostly found at specific Y-level.

how to become a pro player in minecraft


Best Y-level

Tool required


Y -95 and below

Wooden pickaxe or better


Y -15

Stone pickaxe or better


Y -47

Stone pickaxe or better


Y -16

Iron pickaxe or better


Y -58

Iron pickaxe or better

Lapis Lazuli

Y -0

Stone pickaxe or better


Y -58 to -59

Iron pickaxe or better


Y -236 in mountains

Iron pickaxe or better

  • Strip mining is used to collect ores on a wide range. Dig long and straight underground tunnels here. 
  • Spiral mining helps you to explore caves which is the easiest method for mining. This mining never left any ore.
  • Staircase Mining is used to mine in a safe and decent way. Dig one block down and one block forward repeatedly.
  • Quarry Mining finds hidden ores by digging the blocks from top to bottom but it takes a lot of time.
  • Branch mining will help you to mine quickly. It is an efficient method because it finds ores like diamonds and redstone. 

Craft Armor

Armors are essential for the protection against the damage of mobs, falls, and environmental hazards. They also provide some additional benefits like underwater breathing, reduced fall damage, increased durability, and extra protection. To help you rephrase the ranking of armor types from weakest to strongest, here’s a general outline you can use:

Leather < Chainmail < Gold < Iron < Diamond < Netherite

This set has four pieces: Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots. It can reduce the damage from fire, lava, explosions, arrows, projectiles, and mobs. To craft armor, place the appropriate material (leather, iron ingots, gold ingots, diamonds, or Netherite ingots) on a crafting table.  

Build Farms

Building farms is one of the primary aspects that can help you become a pro player. For the continuous supply of resources like food, building farms is crucial. For the plantation and harvesting, villagers are used. As sugarcane, wheat, carrots, and potatoes need much water for plantation, so plant them in soil where water bodies are available. Place pumpkins or melons on tilled land where observers are present to analyze the growth. 
          Enclose your animals and feed them best to reproduce. Use a hopper to collect and drop eggs. For the reproduction of mobs, make a dark room and use water to collect them at a single place. If you have sufficient animals then slaughter them for getting meat.

Learn to make Potions

It can enhance your abilities and give you an advantage in combat, exploration, and survival. Negative potions, such as poison, slowness, harming, and weakness, can be useful against enemies. By using redstone dust, glowstone dust, and gunpowder, you can increase the effectiveness of potions and enable them to be thrown. Having required knowledge about potionsis one of the major factors and can help users become a pro player within few days.




Potion of healing 

Glistering Melon

Instantly restores health

Potion of Strength

Blaze Powder

Increases melee damage

Potion of swiftness


Increases movement speed

Potion of fire resistance 

Magma Cream

Protects against fire and lava

Potion of night vision

Golden Carrot

Allows you to see in the dark

Potion of water breathing


Allows you to breathe underwater

Potion of regeneration

Ghast Tear

Restores health over time

Beat Minecraft

In beating, the primary goal is to defeat the Ender Dragon. Gather resources, build a shelter, and start mining. By gathering Blaze Rods and Ender Pearls, you can successfully craft Eyes of Ender to locate the End Portal, paving the way for your journey to the End dimension. Get good gear, destroy the End Crystals, and defeat the Ender Dragon. 
         After defeating, dragon eggs appear. Crack them by using a piston or by placing a torch. Also, an End Gateway Portal opens nearby where you find endless cities. It can result in advanced gear experience. Enjoy game content and build bases with new challenges.

Final Thoughts

If we summarize all the in formation given above in the article the main purpose was to inform players how they can become a pro player by using right stratagies and techniques and by collecting and crafting the perfect materials as and when required. By following the foretold building, crafting and survival stratagies one can become a pro player within few days.

Author: MERKER